After Christmas, before the New Year Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hello everyone!

Can ya tell I have some time off work and school? I bet ya can. Two posts in the same month haha. There is something to be said for being a teacher's aide -- you are on the same schedule as the school kids. On the other hand, so is my paycheck and if you don't work, you don't get paid. That's what happens when you are paid hourly. But, I needed the break. So did the kids.

My spring classes don't start until the 11th either, so I have a break there too. I do have to take an exam on the 9th, but that is just one more step to my Master's in Special Education.

Christmas was very nice. I'll have to upload a bunch of photos and video, but right now the girls are "camping out" in the living room with dad and I don't want to go down there and disturb them to get the camera's. The girls were blessed with everything from Santa and Family. They got an air hockey table, WII, trip to Great Wolf Lodge from Gramma, tons of other games, toys and things. By far at the moment their WII has been the favorite.

Christmas eve we spent at home having a nice family dinner of steak, wild rice, broccoli rabe and asparagus, olives and mozzarella, bruschetta and some family time. Christmas Night we went to my my sister in laws to exchange presents.

Today, we had a bunch of people over from Kenny's work. We had meat and cheese stuffed shells, salad, deviled eggs, bread, cake with strawberries. It was really such a relaxing enjoyable time for me. I don't know what there was about it, but it was so relaxing and fun. It was nice to chat and catch up with everyone.

Tomorrow I think we are going to work a little bit around the house. I have to take Katie's bed apart. It's a twin and about 2 months ago as I was making the bed, I well -- pulled the headboard on a weird angle and broke a couple of inches off the post. Since then, we've leveled it, but it is just not sturdy enough. So we were watching Top Chef and I was saying to Katie how they lived in a loft and look how all of there beds were just directly on the floor. So we are going to give that a whirl. I told her we'd try it. Get some extra big fluffy pillows and make it like a day bed. Then if it doesn't work out, we'll buy a new bed frame. Couldn't hurt to give it a whirl right? And Katie thinks it's neat to try. So why not?!

Hubby's off the week, so we'll be able to spend some time together. I love it when he's off. One of the day's this week the kids will be going to see the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. I'd like to get to Target and a couple of other things.

On New Years, we use to have the tradition of putting the girls to bed. Then hubby would make chicken strips in garlic sauce over linguine. We'd set the coffee table really special and wait for the ball to drop on the New Year. However, we'd since started a new tradition as the girls have gotten bigger. They are 11, 7 and 6 now. What we usually do now is have a simple dinner. Then later in the night I make appetizers -- kid food, wings, dips, french fries. A little bit of this and that and we watch the Times Square show. I try to stay awake -- which usually lasts until 12:01 HAHA. I'm so serious. Although, I have a new past time that has been keeping me up.

Farmville. So for however long I've been on Facebook, I swore off Farmville. I couldn't stand all the posts and blocked it like crazy. I'm really not coordinated to play games, heaven only knows why, so I wasn't interested. Well, Katie has been asking for a facebook to play farmville with her friends. So hubby's and my theory was, okay, let's look at this game and if it's okay, we'll get her a facebook. And now....I LOVE IT! When the girls were small, we used to play scrabble online like crazy. Now, I just love this goofy game. It's relaxing. I can rearrange my farm. But I do have to say MY CHICKENS HATE ME. Why can everyone else hatch mystery eggs but me?

But anyway, now Katie's mad because my farm looks better than hers LOL! She's so funny. My little girls have one too, but sometimes at night I go over to there's and work the farm for them. Then when they wake up in the morning they go "oh mommy we have a green cow now" or something. It's so cute. I don't tell them I'm doing it and they love waking up to the surprise if I've gone over and worked their farm a little. You should have seen them last week when they woke up and I had bought them a dairy. So cute.

Well I guess I'll head off to a little tv after I check the recipe site. Remember your always welcome to pop over and join there too. The url is . Have a great night! Remember God loves you and always will.



Do you know Jesus as your Saviour?
Simply pray the following prayer in faith, and Jesus will be your Lord.
"Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your word says,
"whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" and
"if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved.(Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9).
You said my salvation would be the result of Your Holy Spirit
giving me new birth by coming to live in me (John 3:5-6, 15-16; Romans 8:9-11).
I take You at Your word. I confess that Jesus is Lord.
And I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead.
Thank you for coming into my heart, for giving me Your Holy Spirit
as You have promised, and for being Lord over my life. Amen."

Semesters, Holidays, Church and Everything Else Monday, December 7, 2009

Hi everyone!

There has been so much going and it's seems like forever since I've chatted with you. My semester has finally coming to end. And I'm completely sure you will all be happy to hear me stop complaining about it haha! Education Psychology class is over -- HALLELUJAH! I've decided it's not the material, not the teacher herself, but really the delivery of the material and how it was presented in a sequence. Too much at the end and too much speculation on how it would be graded. Anyway....

I've signed up for my spring classes which will be Programming for Early Adolescents and Content knowledge math for elementary learners. I'm excited about both. I was really hoping my favorite teacher was going to do the programming class, but as of now she's saying she will be retired by then. But, God is in control and I know there must be a reason I'm so interested in this material. It will be mainly understanding how to program for a child 0-8, early intervention and etc.

The content knowledge math will be a help to as I'll be co-teaching math to sixth graders in the next coming weeks. This brings me to my next new job.

I've moved from kindergarten to a sixth grade learning support classroom. God really opened a door for me to walk through. I have been completely blessed. I am in the same school district, but in the special education department, which is what my Master's degree will be in. I am still an instructional aide, but now working in the setting where my heart is. I feel so blessed. As a part of this job, 2 days a week I will co-teach regular education math. These opportunities are beyond amazing. It was like God dropping a learning experience right in my lap. The only way I can describe it is the most peaceful work environment I've been in ever -- why? Because I feel like this is where God really wants me to be.

I've taken my Praxis I and passed (Praxis is like the tests you have to pass in order to get certified) and I'll take my Praxis II in January, part 2 of Praxis 2 in March, then I'll have my teaching certificate. I pray God will continue to open a doorway for me to get a position here locally with a marvelous salary. I would love my own classroom, but I think early intervention would be fun too. I feel like making a list for my ideal job. Somewhere flexible, somewhere local, somewhere working in special education, somewhere where there's peace, somewhere with a great salary. God has been so faithful, I pray He continues this -- I have the faith that he will.

My girls are doing great. Karrie and Katie have had their piano recital and did wonderfully. Katie also had her Christmas dance show and it was fabulous. The girls did awesome. My mom even cried during a dance using the "Christmas Shoes" song. Beautiful.

I haven't done too much baking this year, just a few things. Every year I say that I'm doing less -- and this year I finally did. I just can't do anymore. Hubby made some great cookies, I did 2 kinds and will be baking banana breads today. There too much going on and I just decided this year is going to be a calm quiet Christmas, I'm going to enjoy and NOT get trapped in the work and rush and feel like it's never happened. It is what it is and I'm going to enjoy my break before classes resume on the 11th of January.

I've already started to read a book for my January class. It's called "The boy who loved windows". It's about a mother's journey into understanding her son's autism. It's written so well. It's not really clinical, but more a story about how this mom feels inside and her personal thoughts and questions. It's really well written. I couldn't even put it down last night. I'll have to do a paper on it -- but that seems like a piece of cake because the content is just so good.

Well, my little ones have bundled themselves up and made it out in the snow. Of course the TV is still blaring "a Christmas Story" and I'm sitting here alone. Isn't it always the way? HAHAAA.

On to telling you the great news about church. As you all have known from the beginning, God has had a major plan for us starting a new church. The blessings just keep pouring and pouring out. We were so blessed to have a local church offer us space to worship the Lord. Now, we have the opportunity to buy a local building! It's already equipped with everything we need and is about 5 minutes away! God is so good. Please pray for favor, God is moving mightily and I am so excited. It's such a peaceful excitement. We should be all moved in January. What a mighty work! More on that as I know.

I'm off to check on the kids, then make the beds. I've posted some of the kids Christmas pictures below. (And to those on my recipe list -- I am so sorry for not posting much in the last week, it's been so crazy here! I miss all of you. I'm going to get some recipes out today!)



A lot has been going on here.... Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hello friends!

There is so much going on here. I've hardly had any time at all to keep you all updated. To all my friends from my different lists and etc. I apologize for not getting as many sends and communications out to you as we usually do. And now on to what's up....

In my Monday evening class, my professor decided to absolutely bury us with work. We've spent at least 6-8 classes sitting there for hours knowing this work was coming up. As a class it was mentioned to her several times -- when, the how-to's and etc. She just kept saying we are building up to it. Okay, I get it. But now we are absolutely inundated with papers, projects and etc. All due within the same time frame. We've had to learn several new computer programs. It's been horrifying. Okay, maybe not horrifying but darn near. I have several more things to do, but I am well on the way to getting finished. PTL.

I mean, alright I get what she meant, where she was going and why she paced the class this was....but she so needs to realize we are graduate students with lives, jobs, families and kids. Hit me with the syllabus and let me go. Did I learn a lot? Yes and I really do appreciate it. Will I ever take this professor again? NEVER.

Last week I also had to present in another class I had. Special Education and the Law. I absolutely love this class. I wish my professor would teach more classes, I'd take her classes each time. She is such a resource, she is the Director of Student and Special Education Services in a local district here and has been for about 20 years. She gives you such good practical information I love it.

On top of all of this I had my Praxis this weekend. I think it broke my brain. Started at 7:30 a.m. and ended at 12:10. I think I did well -- until the end of the math. The end of the math looked like lines criss crossing, an x y and an R and S -- and it wanted the answer. I was like huh? Then the 5 answers contained numbers and fractions. I was thinking okay, maybe this could be done with a protractor or a calculator -- but holy cow, this answer was like close your eyes and pick one. HAHAHAA! I won't get my scores for a month or so, so I'll let you know about that.

And again, God is moving mightily in my life. This week I'll be moving into the Special Education area of my job. It's so amazing. It was like God opened several doors and said, come on, walk through here -- and they were ginormous steps and huge doorways. How does God do all of this? I'll never know. I do know however, God is amazing and all knowing and He has our best interest at heart! He is such an amazing God. I'll have more to share next week on this. Right now I'm just still so overwhelmed by God's goodness. I'm so happy about it I almost can't stand it. I said almost LOLLLLL. It's going to be such a great experience.

Tomorrow is church, I'm excited about that. We've continued to move out on purchasing a building. I'm hoping it's done by the first of the year. Call it forth in Jesus name! Yeah! We had a meeting last week and are awaiting so more information. Can you believe all the good things God has in store for us?

The rest of the weekend will be filled with a nap that will start in about 10 minutes (ROFL), homework (and lots of it) and laundry. What has God done in your life this week?



Happy November 1! Sunday, November 1, 2009


Can you believe it's November 1? The year is just moving along full steam ahead. With barely any noticeable summer weather, the fall is here, the leaves are falling and soon the holidays will be here. Which, to be honest, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I love it. It's the start of the holidays and holiday smells. Yummy.

My children are finally feeling better. Just a bit of residual crankiness, but all are well again. Thank God! It was a long couple of weeks. When you have several kids get sick, it takes a lot out of you. Now hubby and I just need to get a vacation from all the stress and work of it LOL. An interesting fact, over the last 2 weeks I've done 64 loads of laundry. How do I know? Because I had to brand new bottles, now I have none. My theory was wash all the linens, blankets and everything to kill the germs. Did it help? I think so.

Church is going really well. (The Worship Center) We are planning on buying our own building soon. In God's timing and in His hands. We are a small group, but there is such peace there. I sit down to worship and play and I almost don't know what to do with myself because there are no restrictions anymore, no fear of what others would think, no hindering of the spirit because the offering has to be taken or someone wanting to interrupt the flow.

It's so freeing -- like a bird in a cage whose been longing to soar -- and the door is finally opened and there is safety in trusting God will make a way if your heart is pure. Lord lift me up so that I may soar your way without the boundaries imposed by mankind. Free and soaring on your wings. God's hand remains on this new venture deeply and strongly -- you can feel His presence and truly the peace is almost unexplainable. It really is a peace that surpasses all understanding. It's as if we've been in training for this for 20 years and now the time has come to take our giftings and move out.

Grad school is going well. Rats! I just remembered something, I'm glad I mentioned that. I have an early meeting tomorrow before class. Hmmmm PTL for bringing that back to my mind. Anyway, I'm preparing for spring classes. I cannot wait until this semester is over. I love the one class, the other, well, it's just wasting my time. I like my work to be set out in front of me from the beginning and you just "have at it", do it, hand it in....move on. And I think I've given this professor enough weeks, I just feel like she and I do not connect. She really does teach from an undergraduate perspective and that is not where I am at. But, I'm doing my work and sucking it up for the next 4 weeks. It's really been a challenge working, going to school and managing the family. I guess millions of women across the world do it, but darn it it's been hard. Especially with the last 2 weeks of sickness that we've had.

Don't you just hate watching the weeks go by so quickly? Whew! Next weekend is the girls piano recital. That will be nice. Both Katie and Karrie will be in it this year. Both in the first half! Yippee! Then we can leave hahahaha. Both of them have their songs memorized and are doing marvelous. I'll take lots of pictures so you all can see them. Technically, maybe I'll video some from my phone and upload some of their playing too.

Alrighty, I need to scoot and get ready for church. Hubby is outside taking care of our yard and the kids are playing. I've already made pork chops and stuffing to go in the oven for after church. MMMMmmmmmmm. It's a nice Sunday morning.



My Karrie Monday, October 19, 2009

Hello everyone...

Well it's been a cruddy 2 days. I told you in my last post Karrie was sick. Yesterday we went to the hospital to have blood work done to see if she has mono or Epstein Barr recurring. Then last night she started with a horrible earache -- which of course I told him on Thursday when we were there that her ear hurt -- he said it wasn't bad enough to prescribe anything. Today he says, "holy cow, that got bad fast." Ya think? I was there 3 days ago and TOLD you that.

I get it ya know, don't give antibiotics until absolutely necessary. But I know my kid and I knew she needed that 3 days ago. When we got to the doctor's she even had to get an antibiotic shot because now she's at the point where she can't take any meds because all she does is throw them up 5 minutes after taking it.

So we left there with her having a case of the flu (not swine), dehydration and an ear infection. She is resting now -- barely had an water or liquid this afternoon -- and if she does get it down, it comes right back up. He gave her an excuse for 4 days off of school.

I'm just saying, as a parent, why do doctor's not listen to me? UGH! She's resting now, but her fever's up again. Please pray for her. More later.



It's been a long week! Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hey everyone!

It's been a lonnnnnnnnnng week. I barely know where to begin. It's been non stop here since last Friday evening. Last weekend we planned to go to see an awesome speaker at a local church -- which was awesome. Then it was one kid sick, school midterms, built a website, another kid sick, work, all the dance lessons, 2 other birthday parties, my anniversay, Katie's birthday, then today Katie's birthday party today which was supposed to be horseback riding, but ended up being a party here at home because it's 37 and raining.

At one point there was so much going on my head was spinning -- oh and I was miserable, ask my family. They'll agree HAHA. First and foremost was my midterm -- I had spent days studying for it. I am completely "type A". I was prepared, studied, and ready to go. I did fair. Trust me, I know. It's driving me insane. Why after so many days of prep, knowing the material, do I not get 100 on the test? WHY!!! Okay, so you can't answer, it's just one of those things. Even my kids said, mommy did you do your best (which is what I say to them if they've studied and don't get a grade they think they should) ... I said I did do my best, and Karrie and Katie said, well, then you've done your best and that's all you do. And they are right. But it's so frustrating.

My 12th anniversary was Sunday. Hubby surprised me by saying let's go away for the night. However, because of my stupid midterm I decided I couldn't afford to lose the study time. Of course the next morning, Monday, although the kids were off school, we had to report for an inservice. I just thought how can I go away, study and be at work for 8:45 the next day. Of course the next morning I showed up for the inservice to have the director say, oh yeah, I forgot to call you, because you are attending graduate school you don't need these inservice hours. UGHHHHHHH.

On to Wednesday -- It was Katie's birthday. We surprised her by taking her to the furniture store to pick out a vanity. She needed one. We have 5 people, 1 bathroom, and she is spending WAAYYY too much time in the mirror. This way she has her own gear, own spot, own everything all in her room. She loves it too. It's cherry wood and it's very old fashioned looking, she loves it.

I'm just going to skip around here because there was so much going on it was ridiculous. In the middle of everything we've had some 103 fevers and the like. Karrie has 101.5 temp now. Of course I had her at the dr yesterday and he said oh there is something going on in her right ear, but not bad enough for an antibiotic, let's wait and see. Of course, today she's feeling awful --- this is her third fever in 2 weeks. Does the dr. know? Yep. Did he do anything, nope. Why? Oh probably to just drive me crazy. (Have I been this sarcastic and miserable all week, yeah pretty much.)

Somewhere around Thursday we decided we had to do something about Katie's friend party. It was scheduled for Saturday at my godmother's farm to horseback ride, hayride and scavenger hunt. Well guess what? It's 37 and rainy here. thankful 2 wonderful friends came and did the girls hair in braids and we did crafts and etc. I thought it was great. I think the kids had a good time.

Of course, there was the fact I had to send hubby back to the store for more crafts because Katie told me 9 or 10 were coming and we had 15 including my little girls. She kept saying, oh yeah, I forgot I told this one to come. Kids. Oh and there was the fact that about 10 minutes into the party Katie and her 2 friends said "1,2,3" and plopped down on the couch. Too which, it completely broke the spring and cracked the wooden frame. Oh the joys. I was there, it was not on purpose. But that couch is barely a year old.

Am I just being a downer? Nawwwwww these are just thoughts rattling around my brain. And my brain is fried. I'm so tired I can't even think straight. I'm looking forward to a warm bubble bath, some dinner and a nice show on TV and family time. YEAH. I'm also looking forward to a new week, a new focus and a fresh start on my attitude.

I did spend some time this week setting up a website for the new church. It's The Worship Center of NEPA. Right now it's just basic. It's all I could get going for this week. I have a zillion more pages to do, but I'm also learning 2 programs while I do it, so that will just have to wait until I get some more brain power!

Tomorrow is the opening service for the Worship Center. It's at 1:00 p.m. and I am so happy we chose that time. God is good. I'm happy but really more peaceful about it. I know without a shadow of a doubt God is in control and His hand has been on this from the beginning. I'm looking forward to just letting go and worshiping and hearing from God. Someday soon we will have our own building, I just know it, I can feel it. How many different ways can you say thank you to the Lord for being just such a good God? He's amazing isn't he?

Well, I think I'll stop for now, go get that bubble bath (I almost typed buggle hahahahaha) and enjoy some family time.



Good morning,

I have lots and lots to tell you all about. God is so good, I'm feeling much better this week. And I lost another 2 pounds! Yippee! That's 10!

We spent the day yesterday at the girls cheerleading competition. I knew it would be a long day. What I didn't expect was 2,000 people to come. I knew it was at a high school stadium, but, I just never thought it would be as crowded as it was. It was funny when one little boy said, "sheesh there's enough people here it's like a Penn State football game." He was right. The girls all got medals and they were happy. Exhausted in the end, but really happy. We picnicked. I brought subway hoagies, doritos, water, ice tea and some fruit snacks. It worked out great. A few friends of mine said the line was so long for food that the kids don't have enough time to eat. I am sooooo glad we packed a lunch. The lines were about 30 minutes long. Don't even ask about the bathroom line.

School is going well. I love one class and one I can tolerate for another couple weeks haha. My Tuesday class is canceled for this week, which is great. We all need the break. This works out too because Kelsey has a field trip I'm going to with her that day -- so God had that schedule all worked out from the beginning.

We spent a nice family morning together. We are sunburned from yesterday -- just like the bacon was bacon today. LOL I burned the bacon this morning. And not like salvageable, like verging on charcoal. So I had to make another pound. The kids were like, mom what are you doing. We had hash browns, eggs, toast, and bacon. After we cleaned up, hubby did a devotional/bible study with the kids and I on "Open the Eyes of My Heart." It was really beautiful and so peaceful.

My plans for today are cleaning my house as slowly as I want, finishing studying for my psychology test tomorrow on the 4 most important educational theorists -- interesting -- NOT. I threw a roast in the crockpot so I could chill and clean and not think about dinner. The roast is the kind with potatoes, carrots, onion, garlic and Lipton onion soup mix. I'm going to put some bread on too in the bread maker -- a totally hands off dinner. YEAH.

This week I'm expecting another miracle. Are you? Karrie has an ear doctors appointment on Friday. A few months ago when we were there we were told her right ear was hearing perfectly normally. This time, I pray we get the same news about her left ear. I'm going expecting great results. I know He's a wonder working God.

God really is a moving, living, breathing, wonder working God. This week we finalized the arrangements for the new church. It's called The Worship Center. It's a born again, Christ filled church where all are welcome. We were blessed with a wonderful couple of meeting rooms and a sanctuary to use. We will be meeting at the Moosic Methodist Church at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday's beginning in October. When we went to preview the meeting area we were just covered in such peace. The Pastor of the church made us feel welcome and told us to use whatever we need. The church board is even allowing us to store our sound equipment.

Don't limit the Lord in your lives. There is NOTHING that He cannot do or pull together. Who was more unconventional that Jesus himself? Who could take nothing and make something of it? Who could take spit and mud and heal someone? When you think there is no way, remember there is always a way with God, as long as you are within His will and on His timing with a pure heart.

I'm sitting here listening to my new favorite song, City on Our Knees by TobyMac. I've spent months having Mighty to Save as my "theme song". But this new song has just grabbed me. It's great. I've posted the lyrics below.



City on our Knees by TobyMac
If you gotta start somewhere why not here
If you gotta start sometime why not now
If we gotta start somewhere I say here
If we gotta start sometime I say now
Through the fog there is hope in the distance
From cathedrals to third world missions
Love will fall to the earth like a crashing wave

Tonight’s the night
For the sinners and the saints
Two worlds collide in a beautiful display
It’s all love tonight
When we step across the line
We can sail across the sea
To a city with one king
A city on our knees
A city on our knees

If you gotta start somewhere why not here
If you gotta start sometime why not now
If we gotta start somewhere I say here
If we gotta start sometime I say now
Through the fog there is hope in the distance
From cathedrals to third world missions
Love will fall to the earth like a crashing wave

Tonight’s the night
For the sinners and the saints
Two worlds collide in a beautiful display
It’s all love tonight
When we step across the line
We can sail across the sea
To a city with one king
A city on our knees
A city on our knees

Tonight could last forever
We are one choice from together
Tonight could last forever
Tonight could last forever
We are one choice from together
As family
We’re family
Oh Tonight could last forever
We are one choice from together
You and me
Ya, you and me
Tonight’s the night
For the sinners and the saints
Two worlds collide
In a glorious display
Cuz its all love tonight
When we step across the line
We can sail across the sea
To a city with one king
A city on our knees
A city on our knees
Oh oh oh
A city on our knees
A city on our knees
Oh oh oh
If we gotta start somewhere why not here
If we gotta start sometime why not now

Happy Sunday morning everyone!

Well it's been an interesting week. Back to work and school. Back to almost 60 kindergartners and phonics. We didn't have too many criers. Although we did have one growler. Yes, growler. It's fascinating being growled at by a 5 year old who thinks it's funny and a way to communicate. I told him to talk to me using "his words" not growling. I told him he could tell me he how he felt, that he was angry or he hated school or me, but he was not allowed to growl at me. He stopped -- for like 30 seconds. Although the next day there was no growling, so that's progress right LOL.

So it's been an interesting week. My blood pressure was 160/110 then later 160/118. I went to the doctor and he put me on some blood pressure medication and a water pill. And since the end of July I've lost 8 pounds! YIPPEE! 30 or 50 more to go and we are all set.

I feel better now, but for a couple days my head was pounding and I felt cruddy. Last night I did feel icky and went to bed at 8. I slept through until 7. Today I feel so much better. I think my body is adjusting to school and work and new medications. PTL - today is a better day.

Now to completely change the subject, why the heck is my computer acting up. My aol keeps stalling or kicking off. Technically, I only use it for the mail, but sheesh. My facebook is glitchy and I haven't been able to get into my FB inbox for over a month. And now my other email account is not loading. No it's not my internet connection, I checked and that's good to go. No it's not my computer either -- healthy and running well. So why are these 2 programs driving me insane? Just for the fun of it I guess. Okay, I tested my dsl speed -- all is good, maybe I'll reboot.

Hubby just took the girls off to church. I'm going to finish 40 pages of reading due for tomorrow. Educ. Psych -- so I've had 2 weeks to do it and didn't and the class is tomorrow -- I better get on it. While I do my reading, I'll dye my hair and then meet the family for 3 football games/cheerleading. Kenny and I are going to trade off the games today. It's just too much being there all afternoon. It's a pain in the butt to be blunt. The kids love it though, which is a great thing.

Their cheer competition is this Saturday. All day. It starts at 10 a.m. in North Pocono. I hope they win, they've been working really hard. I think it's an all day thing. I guess I should find out though. I think it's if you win one you keep going until it's over. I heard it was like 6 or 7 hours last year. Of course, then that evening they scheduled a football game. Am I the only one that thinks, 1/2 hour to compete all day, then schedule a game for that evening? How many cheerleaders do they think will actually come? My official answer to that is -- not us. LOLLLL

Well I better get my mojo working because I just remembered I have a meeting at 4. Actually, I should just print my schedule, because I keep forgetting everything LOL. We had planned to video a davidic dance session this Saturday, and I just knew I had something else that day but could not put my finger on it. Of course, if I had looked at the calendar I would have realized it was the cheer competition.

God is good. He knows all and is in control. I'm a peacefully resting in His arms today. Whatever gets done, gets done, what doesn't is in His hands.




Can you believe today is Labor Day? I can't. This summer has just jetted by. We picked up my layaways today. Grabbed Katie a couple more skirts. I think with taking classes all the way through July it made August go just that much faster.

We had a nice night at Kristen's party the other day. It was fun. I think she must have had at least 30 people there and about 30 kids! They had a great time with the kariokie machine and swimming.

Yesterday we went to church to support my sister in law. This was her first week on the worship team at her church. She did a great job. And my kids loved children's church there. It was missionary Sunday and each time it is they try to get one of their missionaries on webcam or skype.

Today they had their missionary from Israel on for the kids to talk with. I think it was so awesome. My kids seemed to be really affected by it. Katie especially seemed to love it. It's a terrific idea and really brings home the idea that these are real people, in a real place, serving the Lord. In real time. Such a great ministry tool. And they've been singing the song he taught them "Hevenu Shalom Alelchem" over and over. God is good. When the kids are affected/effected it really drives home the awesomeness of God.

We've had another couple of miracles here. First the other day the pool was looking a little cloudy, and knowing we were going to close it I threw in 2 bags of shock. I decided since it was late in the day, I'd let the shock work and let the pool run overnight so I could backwash in the morning.

I got up the next day -- all seemed fine. A couple hours later I looked out and the pool was not running. I thought hmmmmm. Now the week before last there was a power surge and surge protector did it's job, but the cord ended up melted. We got that fixed and a new surge protector, so I didn't know what the heck went wrong.

I went out to the pool. Surge protector was working. Fuse was not blown. Then I went over to the filter. Now where the filter cord and the extension cord meet had completely melted through. It was laying near one of our evergreen trees and the heat from it actually burned a branch. And that was it. No fire. God is so amazing and protective. It's a miracle that all of ours trees and garage did not catch fire. There are miracles everywhere! I was so thankful He protected us and our property.

Now on to miracle number 2. I mentioned a couple posts back that we were searching for a place to have a worship service. We were blessed with one. Then another. Then a third....and there's a fourth we are waiting for more information on.

Can you imagine? God manifested not 1, not 2, but over 3 places for us to come together and worship!!! What a confirmation! HALLELUJAH! All the Glory is His! He is a faithful God. He is gracious. He is loving beyond measure. His blessings are just overflowing here everyday.

I encourage you all to stay strong in the faith and remain steadfast in the will of the Lord for your life. When he says move -- move. When he says remain -- remain. When he says run -- run. Don't concern yourself with the barriers and opinions to the rigth or the left. Focus your eyes on Him alone. Move out on His command -- let yourself go and just let God be God and He will show himself mightily in your lives.

More soon. Back to work full time tomorrow, then school tomorrow night. Wednesday the kids are off to school -- yippee!



A Fight to the Finish Ephesians 6:10-20 (MSG)

10-12And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials.

And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the
Devil throws your way.

This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.

13-18Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet.

Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon.

In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.

19-20And don't forget to pray for me.

Pray for Jerusalem's peace

Psalm 122

A Pilgrim Song of David
1-2 When they said, "Let's go to the house of God,"
my heart leaped for joy.
And now we're here, O Jerusalem,
inside Jerusalem's walls!

3-5 Jerusalem, well-built city,
built as a place for worship!
The city to which the tribes ascend,
all God's tribes go up to worship,
To give thanks to the name of God
this is what it means to be Israel.
Thrones for righteous judgment
are set there, famous David-thrones.

6-9 Pray for Jerusalem's peace!
Prosperity to all you Jerusalem-lovers!
Friendly insiders, get along!
Hostile outsiders, keep your distance!
For the sake of my family and friends,
I say it again: live in peace!
For the sake of the house of our God, God,
I'll do my very best for you.

Hello everyone!

I’m looking at the date today and I know it’s almost time to head back to work, schedules and school for the kids. My computer time will be limited, so I thought I’d get some more blogging in before all that begins. I’m going to try to keep it up at least once maybe twice a week, but remember when I started this journey I said that too. LOLLLL Life and mommyhood gets in the way sometimes.

So I head back to work Tuesday for in-services, meetings and professional development. Yippee. Actually, I am starting to get bored and being bored is NOT for me. I like to keep busy – not stressed – but busy.

The girls start back on Wednesday. They are excited too. I have to pick up a few more things before then, but all in all they are pretty ready. In the last week or two they have really been on each other’s nerves. It’s time to jump back into a routine.

My goal today is get our schedule written up, menus planned and etc. and get it posted on the fridge. It’s the best way for us all to keep track of what’s going on. I believe it’s better for the kids to know what’s going on with them when they are at gramma’s and I’m at school and dad’s at work.

I think it’s more secure for kids to know what to expect and when, especially when it comes to the family and their day to day lives. Lack of knowledge leads to insecurity. And I prefer the schedule, it helps me get things off my mind. Does everything always stay the same way? Nope. Is the schedule rigid? Nope. When you have 3 kids – nothing is ever written in stone. Schedules are best when seasoned with a little bit of flexibility and winging it.

Now changing the subject to what God has been speaking to me. For the last 2 days I’ve been meditating on the scripture Zephaniah 3: 17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." The Hebrew word for “rejoice” actually means to dance OVER YOU with singing. So beautiful is the theme that the Father would dance over us. What peace and rest to know that the God of all Heaven is looking down upon up and rejoicing in the dance over us.

It’s my prayer that you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That you’ve said Lord, I know you died for my sins, you’ve washed me clean and made me a new creature. Lord I know you rose again and because of you I will live forever more. (John 3:16) And having that knowledge of being secure that you will live forever -- for all of eternity with the Creator of the universe, brings about a peace.

A blessed peace. A blessed assurance. A peace that surpasses any kind of understanding that you have. He created you. You are skillfully and wonderfully made. You are His handiwork and are perfect. His love for you knows no bounds. He looks down upon you and just rejoices over you with dance and singing. What a wonder. What a security. What a peace. Oh what love He has for you.

God has been faithful in my life. He is doing miraculous things each day. And each day, I say, “one step at a time”. In His will. In His way we move out. Sometimes you have to wonder about that peace that surpasses all understanding. Sometimes I say Lord, shouldn’t this bother me more? LOLLL I can just see the smile on His face. Because that peace – that peace that we can’t even comprehend – is there. His grace has poured out such a peace and victory in my life that it could only be God.

Each and every day his mercies are new. Each and every day there has been a miracle. And that I do not say lightly. Each day there literally has been a miraculous event. I’ve already seen one this morning. I am determined to walk in His will according to His timing. Are you determined? What is the attitude of your heart?

The Father is looking for the pure beauty of a broken spirit and a contrite heart. He’s looking for vessels that will walk out on the water into a sea of living by faith. Where are you at today?

Is your vision clouded? Or do you have a genuine desire to seek the Lord? Is your desire to really and truly allow Him to do HIS will? Don’t submit to the bondage of jealously, control and “religiousness”. Be willing to allow the Lord to speak directly into your life and be willing to let Him make the changes.

Afterall, He’s still looking down upon you with a smile as he rejoices and dances over you……



My Beloved lyrics

Kari Jobe

You're My Beloved

You're My Bride

To sing over you is My delight

Come away with Me My love

You're Beautiful to Me

So beautiful to Me

Under My mercy

Come and wait

Till we are standing face to face

I see no stain on you

My child

You're Beautiful to Me

So Beautiful to Me

I sing over you My song of peace

Cast all your care down at My feet

Come and find your rest in Me

I'll breathe My life inside of you

I'll bear you up on eagle's wings

And hide you in the shadow of My strength

I'll take you to My quiet waters

I'll restore your soul

Come rest in Me and be made whole

You're My beloved

You're My Bride

To sing over you is my delight

Come away with me my love

A little more rambling about school and etc. Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Morning all!

Well, allergy season is upon us, the ragweed is in full bloom! Three out of five of us are on allergy meds, oh the joy! Hello ragweed and pollen count of 9.7 LOLLL. My sinuses feel like they are exploding! Baaaabooommmmm.

A great big thank you to all of you who understood about my closing and rearranging some of my groups. It's nice to see you all over on the recipe site. Which has now become 437 members strong! I love to see you all posting and sharing. I know God has wanted me to pair down and rearrange, and it's worked beautiful -- all the Glory is His!

Now on to what's up with me. I started back to grad school Monday and Tuesday evening. Monday's class was "ehhhh" . It was more like she was teaching to undergrads. It's not like I disliked the professor or the subject, but most grad classes are geared to a greater level of responsibility and respect. She wants a quiz each week to see if we've done the reading -- huh???? This is not Psych 101 -- it's a master's level class. Bury me with reading and work, test me, give me my A and let me go. So I don't know it's just weird. Maybe it's me, maybe I'm making a judgment too soon, we shall see. I'll have to give it some more time to see how things pan out. Not to mention, suck it up and just do it LOL.

Last night's class was a little better. I love the professor. I had her this summer. Although, this is a cross referenced class with undergrads. So there are a handful of grads and about 25 undergrads whispering, chatting. laughing and texting during the class. Alright I know, my attitude stinks, but technically some of them could be my kids and I want to say -- be respectful, stop texting, shut up and listen. I'm here to learn, hush it I paid $2,200 dollars for this class.

And before anyone questions me -- no I don't dislike undergrads. LOL But I've been there done that and have moved on. I'm in a different place in the life and learning and I love the usual small group, intensive classes that are usually what grad level courses are. It just so happens that I've landed in 2 classes this semester that -- well -- aren't that.

That's about it for right now....I've given Katie her own blog so I'm going to help her upload a new template! Maybe more later, we'll see.

Remember God is a good God out to do you good! He's in control and if you keep yourself purely walking in His will He will show Himself strong!



Calling it Forth! Updates and What God's Saying Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hello all!

What a nice Saturday morning it's been. Didn't sleep much last night, but today has been a good morning. Kenny is working 10 hours overtime at a golf tournament. My mom and dad took the kids to a new grocery store in the area while I'll worked on the computer.

The girls got a "make your own" pizza kit. So they came home and did that. And while that was baking we all sat around the computer and learned sign language. LOL They think it's neat. I'm using this year while teaching. It incorporates different types of learning -- and I think the kids will really enjoy it. It's called using multiple intelligences. Different people learn differently, so offer up as many opportunities to learn as you can in as many different ways.

I think the sign language will be fun for phonics time. Of course these are kindergarten age children so they will be focusing on letter recognition, sound recognition, sequencing -- and I think the sign's will be a nice addition and a new way to think about phonics.

The girls are doing great. They love cheer leading and doing the cheers over and over and over. Did I say over and over? LOLLLL They've had games the past 2 Sunday's so we've not been to church. The first was their first away game so we didn't want to miss that; last week's was their first home game and we couldn't miss that. This week a great friend of mine is having her baby christened so we'll be attending her church and reception following. It should be a nice day. Then we'll go to a local church for Sunday evening service. I'll be thankful when I get to church Sunday night -- I hate to feel like life gets in the way of attending church.

We are still in a transition time here, waiting on God for direction. I will say though, for me, God has been so close and faithful. I can feel His breath. He's an amazing God. God has been speaking about opening a church where we can just worship with abandon the way we were created too. This week we'll purchase a keyboard and continue moving out slowly one step at a time. In God's timing, in His will and way with us following His lead.

There should be no jealousy, no misunderstanding, no fear of man, no condemnation from others in this venture. Our goal and hearts are pure -- Worshiping Messiah with abandon. I have no fear. I'm fully blessed each day as God exposes to us His will one step at a time.

I've been looking for a meeting place since the middle of June. We have found one, but haven't felt that 'peace' just yet. So we continue looking. Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, whatever, wherever -- just a nice room where we can come together as a body to worship.

The other night as I lay awake at 4 a.m. I began praying for direction as to where God would have us meet. I was praying and thinking about the streets and buildings of the local towns asking God to point us in the directions He would have us go. And after about an hour I heard God say so very clearly, don't just keep asking for direction as where to meet, that has already been determined, just call it forth.

So I said, okay Lord if that is Your will. I began "calling it forth." "Lord, I call forth that room -- that meeting place that you've determined. I release it from the heavenlies. Lord I call forth that which you've already ordained as ours. Lord in faith I call it forth!!!!" Oh what a time of prayer and warfare it was. God is so good -- we just need to listen. He says, "call it forth." I "call it forth." And believe. The rest is up to Him. God is good.



John 11:39-44 Contemporary English Version

Then he told the people to roll the stone away. But Martha said, "Lord, you know that
Lazarus has been dead four days, and there will be a bad smell."

40Jesus replied, "Didn't I tell you that if you had faith, you would see the glory of God?"

41After the stone had been rolled aside, Jesus looked up toward heaven and prayed, "Father, I thank you for answering my prayer. 42I know that you always answer my prayers. But I said this, so that the people here would believe that you sent me."

43When Jesus had finished praying, he shouted, "Lazarus, come out!" 44The man who had been dead came out. His hands and feet were wrapped with strips of burial cloth, and a cloth covered his face.

Jesus then told the people, "Untie him and let him go."