It's been a long week! Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hey everyone!

It's been a lonnnnnnnnnng week. I barely know where to begin. It's been non stop here since last Friday evening. Last weekend we planned to go to see an awesome speaker at a local church -- which was awesome. Then it was one kid sick, school midterms, built a website, another kid sick, work, all the dance lessons, 2 other birthday parties, my anniversay, Katie's birthday, then today Katie's birthday party today which was supposed to be horseback riding, but ended up being a party here at home because it's 37 and raining.

At one point there was so much going on my head was spinning -- oh and I was miserable, ask my family. They'll agree HAHA. First and foremost was my midterm -- I had spent days studying for it. I am completely "type A". I was prepared, studied, and ready to go. I did fair. Trust me, I know. It's driving me insane. Why after so many days of prep, knowing the material, do I not get 100 on the test? WHY!!! Okay, so you can't answer, it's just one of those things. Even my kids said, mommy did you do your best (which is what I say to them if they've studied and don't get a grade they think they should) ... I said I did do my best, and Karrie and Katie said, well, then you've done your best and that's all you do. And they are right. But it's so frustrating.

My 12th anniversary was Sunday. Hubby surprised me by saying let's go away for the night. However, because of my stupid midterm I decided I couldn't afford to lose the study time. Of course the next morning, Monday, although the kids were off school, we had to report for an inservice. I just thought how can I go away, study and be at work for 8:45 the next day. Of course the next morning I showed up for the inservice to have the director say, oh yeah, I forgot to call you, because you are attending graduate school you don't need these inservice hours. UGHHHHHHH.

On to Wednesday -- It was Katie's birthday. We surprised her by taking her to the furniture store to pick out a vanity. She needed one. We have 5 people, 1 bathroom, and she is spending WAAYYY too much time in the mirror. This way she has her own gear, own spot, own everything all in her room. She loves it too. It's cherry wood and it's very old fashioned looking, she loves it.

I'm just going to skip around here because there was so much going on it was ridiculous. In the middle of everything we've had some 103 fevers and the like. Karrie has 101.5 temp now. Of course I had her at the dr yesterday and he said oh there is something going on in her right ear, but not bad enough for an antibiotic, let's wait and see. Of course, today she's feeling awful --- this is her third fever in 2 weeks. Does the dr. know? Yep. Did he do anything, nope. Why? Oh probably to just drive me crazy. (Have I been this sarcastic and miserable all week, yeah pretty much.)

Somewhere around Thursday we decided we had to do something about Katie's friend party. It was scheduled for Saturday at my godmother's farm to horseback ride, hayride and scavenger hunt. Well guess what? It's 37 and rainy here. thankful 2 wonderful friends came and did the girls hair in braids and we did crafts and etc. I thought it was great. I think the kids had a good time.

Of course, there was the fact I had to send hubby back to the store for more crafts because Katie told me 9 or 10 were coming and we had 15 including my little girls. She kept saying, oh yeah, I forgot I told this one to come. Kids. Oh and there was the fact that about 10 minutes into the party Katie and her 2 friends said "1,2,3" and plopped down on the couch. Too which, it completely broke the spring and cracked the wooden frame. Oh the joys. I was there, it was not on purpose. But that couch is barely a year old.

Am I just being a downer? Nawwwwww these are just thoughts rattling around my brain. And my brain is fried. I'm so tired I can't even think straight. I'm looking forward to a warm bubble bath, some dinner and a nice show on TV and family time. YEAH. I'm also looking forward to a new week, a new focus and a fresh start on my attitude.

I did spend some time this week setting up a website for the new church. It's The Worship Center of NEPA. Right now it's just basic. It's all I could get going for this week. I have a zillion more pages to do, but I'm also learning 2 programs while I do it, so that will just have to wait until I get some more brain power!

Tomorrow is the opening service for the Worship Center. It's at 1:00 p.m. and I am so happy we chose that time. God is good. I'm happy but really more peaceful about it. I know without a shadow of a doubt God is in control and His hand has been on this from the beginning. I'm looking forward to just letting go and worshiping and hearing from God. Someday soon we will have our own building, I just know it, I can feel it. How many different ways can you say thank you to the Lord for being just such a good God? He's amazing isn't he?

Well, I think I'll stop for now, go get that bubble bath (I almost typed buggle hahahahaha) and enjoy some family time.

