My Karrie Monday, October 19, 2009

Hello everyone...

Well it's been a cruddy 2 days. I told you in my last post Karrie was sick. Yesterday we went to the hospital to have blood work done to see if she has mono or Epstein Barr recurring. Then last night she started with a horrible earache -- which of course I told him on Thursday when we were there that her ear hurt -- he said it wasn't bad enough to prescribe anything. Today he says, "holy cow, that got bad fast." Ya think? I was there 3 days ago and TOLD you that.

I get it ya know, don't give antibiotics until absolutely necessary. But I know my kid and I knew she needed that 3 days ago. When we got to the doctor's she even had to get an antibiotic shot because now she's at the point where she can't take any meds because all she does is throw them up 5 minutes after taking it.

So we left there with her having a case of the flu (not swine), dehydration and an ear infection. She is resting now -- barely had an water or liquid this afternoon -- and if she does get it down, it comes right back up. He gave her an excuse for 4 days off of school.

I'm just saying, as a parent, why do doctor's not listen to me? UGH! She's resting now, but her fever's up again. Please pray for her. More later.

