Happy November 1! Sunday, November 1, 2009


Can you believe it's November 1? The year is just moving along full steam ahead. With barely any noticeable summer weather, the fall is here, the leaves are falling and soon the holidays will be here. Which, to be honest, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I love it. It's the start of the holidays and holiday smells. Yummy.

My children are finally feeling better. Just a bit of residual crankiness, but all are well again. Thank God! It was a long couple of weeks. When you have several kids get sick, it takes a lot out of you. Now hubby and I just need to get a vacation from all the stress and work of it LOL. An interesting fact, over the last 2 weeks I've done 64 loads of laundry. How do I know? Because I had to brand new bottles, now I have none. My theory was wash all the linens, blankets and everything to kill the germs. Did it help? I think so.

Church is going really well. (The Worship Center) We are planning on buying our own building soon. In God's timing and in His hands. We are a small group, but there is such peace there. I sit down to worship and play and I almost don't know what to do with myself because there are no restrictions anymore, no fear of what others would think, no hindering of the spirit because the offering has to be taken or someone wanting to interrupt the flow.

It's so freeing -- like a bird in a cage whose been longing to soar -- and the door is finally opened and there is safety in trusting God will make a way if your heart is pure. Lord lift me up so that I may soar your way without the boundaries imposed by mankind. Free and soaring on your wings. God's hand remains on this new venture deeply and strongly -- you can feel His presence and truly the peace is almost unexplainable. It really is a peace that surpasses all understanding. It's as if we've been in training for this for 20 years and now the time has come to take our giftings and move out.

Grad school is going well. Rats! I just remembered something, I'm glad I mentioned that. I have an early meeting tomorrow before class. Hmmmm PTL for bringing that back to my mind. Anyway, I'm preparing for spring classes. I cannot wait until this semester is over. I love the one class, the other, well, it's just wasting my time. I like my work to be set out in front of me from the beginning and you just "have at it", do it, hand it in....move on. And I think I've given this professor enough weeks, I just feel like she and I do not connect. She really does teach from an undergraduate perspective and that is not where I am at. But, I'm doing my work and sucking it up for the next 4 weeks. It's really been a challenge working, going to school and managing the family. I guess millions of women across the world do it, but darn it it's been hard. Especially with the last 2 weeks of sickness that we've had.

Don't you just hate watching the weeks go by so quickly? Whew! Next weekend is the girls piano recital. That will be nice. Both Katie and Karrie will be in it this year. Both in the first half! Yippee! Then we can leave hahahaha. Both of them have their songs memorized and are doing marvelous. I'll take lots of pictures so you all can see them. Technically, maybe I'll video some from my phone and upload some of their playing too.

Alrighty, I need to scoot and get ready for church. Hubby is outside taking care of our yard and the kids are playing. I've already made pork chops and stuffing to go in the oven for after church. MMMMmmmmmmm. It's a nice Sunday morning.

