A little more rambling about school and etc. Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Morning all!

Well, allergy season is upon us, the ragweed is in full bloom! Three out of five of us are on allergy meds, oh the joy! Hello ragweed and pollen count of 9.7 LOLLL. My sinuses feel like they are exploding! Baaaabooommmmm.

A great big thank you to all of you who understood about my closing and rearranging some of my groups. It's nice to see you all over on the recipe site. Which has now become 437 members strong! I love to see you all posting and sharing. I know God has wanted me to pair down and rearrange, and it's worked beautiful -- all the Glory is His!

Now on to what's up with me. I started back to grad school Monday and Tuesday evening. Monday's class was "ehhhh" . It was more like she was teaching to undergrads. It's not like I disliked the professor or the subject, but most grad classes are geared to a greater level of responsibility and respect. She wants a quiz each week to see if we've done the reading -- huh???? This is not Psych 101 -- it's a master's level class. Bury me with reading and work, test me, give me my A and let me go. So I don't know it's just weird. Maybe it's me, maybe I'm making a judgment too soon, we shall see. I'll have to give it some more time to see how things pan out. Not to mention, suck it up and just do it LOL.

Last night's class was a little better. I love the professor. I had her this summer. Although, this is a cross referenced class with undergrads. So there are a handful of grads and about 25 undergrads whispering, chatting. laughing and texting during the class. Alright I know, my attitude stinks, but technically some of them could be my kids and I want to say -- be respectful, stop texting, shut up and listen. I'm here to learn, hush it I paid $2,200 dollars for this class.

And before anyone questions me -- no I don't dislike undergrads. LOL But I've been there done that and have moved on. I'm in a different place in the life and learning and I love the usual small group, intensive classes that are usually what grad level courses are. It just so happens that I've landed in 2 classes this semester that -- well -- aren't that.

That's about it for right now....I've given Katie her own blog so I'm going to help her upload a new template! Maybe more later, we'll see.

Remember God is a good God out to do you good! He's in control and if you keep yourself purely walking in His will He will show Himself strong!




Miss Slick One said...

I would have raised my hand and said, I'm sorry, sir/ma'am, but may I move up front so I can better hear you? LOL