After Christmas, before the New Year Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hello everyone!

Can ya tell I have some time off work and school? I bet ya can. Two posts in the same month haha. There is something to be said for being a teacher's aide -- you are on the same schedule as the school kids. On the other hand, so is my paycheck and if you don't work, you don't get paid. That's what happens when you are paid hourly. But, I needed the break. So did the kids.

My spring classes don't start until the 11th either, so I have a break there too. I do have to take an exam on the 9th, but that is just one more step to my Master's in Special Education.

Christmas was very nice. I'll have to upload a bunch of photos and video, but right now the girls are "camping out" in the living room with dad and I don't want to go down there and disturb them to get the camera's. The girls were blessed with everything from Santa and Family. They got an air hockey table, WII, trip to Great Wolf Lodge from Gramma, tons of other games, toys and things. By far at the moment their WII has been the favorite.

Christmas eve we spent at home having a nice family dinner of steak, wild rice, broccoli rabe and asparagus, olives and mozzarella, bruschetta and some family time. Christmas Night we went to my my sister in laws to exchange presents.

Today, we had a bunch of people over from Kenny's work. We had meat and cheese stuffed shells, salad, deviled eggs, bread, cake with strawberries. It was really such a relaxing enjoyable time for me. I don't know what there was about it, but it was so relaxing and fun. It was nice to chat and catch up with everyone.

Tomorrow I think we are going to work a little bit around the house. I have to take Katie's bed apart. It's a twin and about 2 months ago as I was making the bed, I well -- pulled the headboard on a weird angle and broke a couple of inches off the post. Since then, we've leveled it, but it is just not sturdy enough. So we were watching Top Chef and I was saying to Katie how they lived in a loft and look how all of there beds were just directly on the floor. So we are going to give that a whirl. I told her we'd try it. Get some extra big fluffy pillows and make it like a day bed. Then if it doesn't work out, we'll buy a new bed frame. Couldn't hurt to give it a whirl right? And Katie thinks it's neat to try. So why not?!

Hubby's off the week, so we'll be able to spend some time together. I love it when he's off. One of the day's this week the kids will be going to see the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. I'd like to get to Target and a couple of other things.

On New Years, we use to have the tradition of putting the girls to bed. Then hubby would make chicken strips in garlic sauce over linguine. We'd set the coffee table really special and wait for the ball to drop on the New Year. However, we'd since started a new tradition as the girls have gotten bigger. They are 11, 7 and 6 now. What we usually do now is have a simple dinner. Then later in the night I make appetizers -- kid food, wings, dips, french fries. A little bit of this and that and we watch the Times Square show. I try to stay awake -- which usually lasts until 12:01 HAHA. I'm so serious. Although, I have a new past time that has been keeping me up.

Farmville. So for however long I've been on Facebook, I swore off Farmville. I couldn't stand all the posts and blocked it like crazy. I'm really not coordinated to play games, heaven only knows why, so I wasn't interested. Well, Katie has been asking for a facebook to play farmville with her friends. So hubby's and my theory was, okay, let's look at this game and if it's okay, we'll get her a facebook. And now....I LOVE IT! When the girls were small, we used to play scrabble online like crazy. Now, I just love this goofy game. It's relaxing. I can rearrange my farm. But I do have to say MY CHICKENS HATE ME. Why can everyone else hatch mystery eggs but me?

But anyway, now Katie's mad because my farm looks better than hers LOL! She's so funny. My little girls have one too, but sometimes at night I go over to there's and work the farm for them. Then when they wake up in the morning they go "oh mommy we have a green cow now" or something. It's so cute. I don't tell them I'm doing it and they love waking up to the surprise if I've gone over and worked their farm a little. You should have seen them last week when they woke up and I had bought them a dairy. So cute.

Well I guess I'll head off to a little tv after I check the recipe site. Remember your always welcome to pop over and join there too. The url is . Have a great night! Remember God loves you and always will.



Do you know Jesus as your Saviour?
Simply pray the following prayer in faith, and Jesus will be your Lord.
"Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your word says,
"whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" and
"if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved.(Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9).
You said my salvation would be the result of Your Holy Spirit
giving me new birth by coming to live in me (John 3:5-6, 15-16; Romans 8:9-11).
I take You at Your word. I confess that Jesus is Lord.
And I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead.
Thank you for coming into my heart, for giving me Your Holy Spirit
as You have promised, and for being Lord over my life. Amen."


Miss Slick One said...

Are you grabbing Mystery Eggs from your friends as they post? Make sure your Home Page viewws are set to "News Feed"/"Live Feed". Only Mystery Gifts (like chickens and fuel) come from Mystery Eggs your friends (and you later) harvest.
Sounds like you had a fun Christmas!