Hello everyone!

I’m looking at the date today and I know it’s almost time to head back to work, schedules and school for the kids. My computer time will be limited, so I thought I’d get some more blogging in before all that begins. I’m going to try to keep it up at least once maybe twice a week, but remember when I started this journey I said that too. LOLLLL Life and mommyhood gets in the way sometimes.

So I head back to work Tuesday for in-services, meetings and professional development. Yippee. Actually, I am starting to get bored and being bored is NOT for me. I like to keep busy – not stressed – but busy.

The girls start back on Wednesday. They are excited too. I have to pick up a few more things before then, but all in all they are pretty ready. In the last week or two they have really been on each other’s nerves. It’s time to jump back into a routine.

My goal today is get our schedule written up, menus planned and etc. and get it posted on the fridge. It’s the best way for us all to keep track of what’s going on. I believe it’s better for the kids to know what’s going on with them when they are at gramma’s and I’m at school and dad’s at work.

I think it’s more secure for kids to know what to expect and when, especially when it comes to the family and their day to day lives. Lack of knowledge leads to insecurity. And I prefer the schedule, it helps me get things off my mind. Does everything always stay the same way? Nope. Is the schedule rigid? Nope. When you have 3 kids – nothing is ever written in stone. Schedules are best when seasoned with a little bit of flexibility and winging it.

Now changing the subject to what God has been speaking to me. For the last 2 days I’ve been meditating on the scripture Zephaniah 3: 17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." The Hebrew word for “rejoice” actually means to dance OVER YOU with singing. So beautiful is the theme that the Father would dance over us. What peace and rest to know that the God of all Heaven is looking down upon up and rejoicing in the dance over us.

It’s my prayer that you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That you’ve said Lord, I know you died for my sins, you’ve washed me clean and made me a new creature. Lord I know you rose again and because of you I will live forever more. (John 3:16) And having that knowledge of being secure that you will live forever -- for all of eternity with the Creator of the universe, brings about a peace.

A blessed peace. A blessed assurance. A peace that surpasses any kind of understanding that you have. He created you. You are skillfully and wonderfully made. You are His handiwork and are perfect. His love for you knows no bounds. He looks down upon you and just rejoices over you with dance and singing. What a wonder. What a security. What a peace. Oh what love He has for you.

God has been faithful in my life. He is doing miraculous things each day. And each day, I say, “one step at a time”. In His will. In His way we move out. Sometimes you have to wonder about that peace that surpasses all understanding. Sometimes I say Lord, shouldn’t this bother me more? LOLLL I can just see the smile on His face. Because that peace – that peace that we can’t even comprehend – is there. His grace has poured out such a peace and victory in my life that it could only be God.

Each and every day his mercies are new. Each and every day there has been a miracle. And that I do not say lightly. Each day there literally has been a miraculous event. I’ve already seen one this morning. I am determined to walk in His will according to His timing. Are you determined? What is the attitude of your heart?

The Father is looking for the pure beauty of a broken spirit and a contrite heart. He’s looking for vessels that will walk out on the water into a sea of living by faith. Where are you at today?

Is your vision clouded? Or do you have a genuine desire to seek the Lord? Is your desire to really and truly allow Him to do HIS will? Don’t submit to the bondage of jealously, control and “religiousness”. Be willing to allow the Lord to speak directly into your life and be willing to let Him make the changes.

Afterall, He’s still looking down upon you with a smile as he rejoices and dances over you……



My Beloved lyrics

Kari Jobe

You're My Beloved

You're My Bride

To sing over you is My delight

Come away with Me My love

You're Beautiful to Me

So beautiful to Me

Under My mercy

Come and wait

Till we are standing face to face

I see no stain on you

My child

You're Beautiful to Me

So Beautiful to Me

I sing over you My song of peace

Cast all your care down at My feet

Come and find your rest in Me

I'll breathe My life inside of you

I'll bear you up on eagle's wings

And hide you in the shadow of My strength

I'll take you to My quiet waters

I'll restore your soul

Come rest in Me and be made whole

You're My beloved

You're My Bride

To sing over you is my delight

Come away with me my love


Miss Slick One said...

Beautiful :)
Good luck with everything!
God bless :)