Happy August! Monday, August 10, 2009

Hey everyone!

Once again it's another month gone by and I'm finally posting. Let's see what's up in my neck of the woods. Well, as for me I've my 2 summer classes are over and now I'm on a break for a month. I begin again on the 31st. Two more classes, special education and the law, education psychology. I know it's weird - but I'm looking forward to both. To be honest, if I could switch or do a double major for behavior specialist in adolescents I would -- but I think that would take forever doing it half time. But we'll see where God leads.

I've started to organize my house again for the school season. Just throwing junk out and reorganizing to make things easier. I'll be in school 2 nights, working everyday, and running the kids. Kenny and I made a great decision though -- we are limiting dance this school year. It's just not possible to run everyone to every single class they want, have dinner, not have a breakdown and do homework. So we asked them to pick which 1 they wanted. For this season that's fine. Of course, they have piano too, but that's no trouble.

Yesterday I spent 2 hours working on my hermit crab tank. It's like the Marriot for hermit crabs. My larger crab is acting "weird" so I just thought give him space so I set up an additional tank. 4 crabs in one, 3 in the other. And you know what? He trashed the Marriot! And I am NOT kidding. Weirdo crab. He's about the size of your fist -- so he's pretty big. I know he's getting ready to molt, but he is acting so weird. Either sitting in one spot for hours -- not hiding, or dumping all the water and food dishes as well as knocking down the limbs and moss.

I came home from dropping the girls off at cheer leading and went to the basement to do some laundry. I look over and the freak is hanging from the aquarium hood. The hood has airvents and a light in it and under that is a piece of Plexiglas with vents in it that holds in the humidity. And some how Spiderman Houdini moved it and was trying to get out. Come to think of it, I should have taken a picture of it. There he was hanging off the plexiglass with his legs trying to get out. So I took the other crabs out and put them back in the other tank to give him some time to chill. All I can figure is he's verging on going down in the sand and is just not himself. Generally he is the calmest thing. LOLLL Anywho....

From a spiritual perspective I've stepped down from worship leading this month and asked to not be put on the schedule for 2 months. I really am seeking and Lord and His will for my life, my families life and where he would have us. I prayed about the upcoming schedule and had no peace whatsoever. I always fall back on James 3:17 "the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceful..." I said Lord I have no peace about leading and I know he was saying take a break. Then there was peace. That is how I know it's His will that I just chill and seek Him for a couple months.

Emotionally, I don't like the thoughts of not leading. But I can feel God impressing upon me to wait. It's hard, but I can't walk somewhere God does want me to walk. I can't just come out from under His wings. I'm staying in the shadow of His wing, walking squarely behind Him -- following His path. Sometimes it's hard. Alot of times it's hard. But in the end He will the glorified and His will will be done. And no matter what, Jesus Christ is Lord forever.




Miss Slick One said...

Praying for you on everything :)

Unknown said...

Hey Kristy,

I admire you for stepping back. So many will just not wait upon the Lord and do rash things. Or not move at all.
I pray that God will speak to your Spirit and send you back to do HIS bidding with a renewed and refreshed spirit.
Love you girl!

Debbie said...

hi kristy -
question on the crabs, my son has 2 crabs. all they do it sit under the log or sock all day. rarely active. How can i encourage them to "play"?

Kristy~! said...

Thanks Phyl and Rhonda....I appreciate it.

And about the hermit crabs...I'm going to go ahead and do a post on them and what I do to care for them. Okey dokey? I'll give a shout out when I'm done and hope it helps you with your crabbies.

Debbie said...

suoer, i'd loev a post on crabbies. I want to get more to add to our cage but want them to be happy before I do.
Oh, and i meant to say ROCK not SOCK. LOL