Site Changes and Closings Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello everyone!

After much thought and prayer, I've decided to make some major changes to my lists. These changes do not come lightly, but rather as an attempt to refocus and get some of my "paperwork" things in line and where I believe God wants them. After all, it is my hearts desire to follow after the Lord and His will for my life.

A few months back, maybe even a year, I did a "pruning" and incorporated, rearranged or discontinued some of my lists. So now, once again, we are going to have some changes.

1. The Joyfilled Friends Group -- It's been months and months that we have not had any real "conversation". I post scripture daily, but there remains no interaction. And that is okay. Although recently Tammy has given it a go -- thanks Tammy. Sometimes it's just time for things to end or "be still." I did mention I believe twice to our members to give me a shout out as to their opinion. Several of you wanted to remain open, but yet we never seem to get more than 1 or 2 people posting. Currently, we have 41 members and really there is no activity. And rather than be bound by guilt of keeping it open, I believe it's time to happily release JoyFilled to the Lord and close.

2. The Frugal Friends Group -- Thanks to Starla and 2 or 3 others this list has continued to run. I have not even posted any freebies in ages. A ginormous thanks to those of you who have continued to search for those good freebie finds. Years ago, the freebies and frugal postings were on the Kitchen Korner list. That is where it will be found again. There is a good amount of mail on this, so you may want to go on daily digest.

Having said that, all of you are welcome to the Kitchen Korner List at When this list first began, we incorporated prayer requests, frugal finds and etc. Rather than have everything all separated, we are again to incorporate all the lists back into the Kitchen Korner. Feel free to join. Feel free to post. Feel free to tell your friends.

Right now I am toying with changing the name of the Kitchen Korner, to the Korner Kafe -- however, I've had the Kitchen Korner name forever and I'm being a little sentimental about it. It also worries me about our 425 members that have the address already in their address books and it would have to be changed. So this is still something I'm thinking on.

Anywho, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at and I'll be happy to answer them. Again, please jump over to the Kitchen Korner list as we will all meet you back over there and continue to share friendship, recipes, frugal ideas, freebies and more. The site address again is

This is a great time for all our lists to come back to where we first began. God is good.

Hugggz and God bless!
