End of the Summer Ramblings... Friday, September 3, 2010

Hi everyone! Before I even begin, please let me say a huge hello to everyone on the recipe group. It's been a while since you've gotten an update from me, but here we go.

It's seems the last couple of months were a whirlwind. I've have had two summer grad classes that were buried in busywork. Thankfully the class I took in July was only one month, but you can't believe the work.

We spent a wonderful week in the Pocono's this August. We had so much fun and were able to just really relax and connect as a family. I loved it. The house we rented was amazing. The lake and beach beautiful!

In the last couple of weeks, I've been struggling with my health and decided to take a more proactive role in figuring out what was wrong. I've always had a bad back due to an injury when I was about 8. It's just something I've always dealt with.

Beginning in the spring, my back just seem to worsen and worsen. It got to a point where I would slap a smile on my face, but was really in a lot of pain. Life goes on, and you have to keep moving. I'm really great at not letting most know how I really feel. Except to my hubby, who listens to me complain about everything!

Finally, in about May all of my joints were aching. Not just my back, but it felt like everywhere hurt. First I thought I was nutz, then I thought what the heck could be wrong. I have a couple of other personal issues I had been seeing the doctor for as well.

This August, after a couple adjustments in medication for my back, I just couldn't take it anymore. I was waking up in the middle of the night with sharps pains in my back, legs and shoulders. I made yet another appointment with the doctor to talk about it. When I told him I was being awakened in the middle of the night by these sharp pains, he suggested that my nerve endings were misfiring and misdirected. When I should have been at rest, my body was not reacting a body at rest should.

My doctor put me on some medication for fibromyalgia, which is what he believes all the joint pain is caused from and sent me for a CAT scan of my hip and shoulder.

The medication has really made me feel better. I saw the doctor today and for my CAT scan results. He said I have some degeneration in both my hip and my back. My back has some compression in the lower discs and he wants a MRI to get a better look at it. He increased my fibromyalgia medicine to help regulate some pain I'm still having in my knees and ankles.

So that's where that's at. Do I want to be taking meds? No. Am I happy it's helping, absolutely. And of course, losing weight will also be a key, that and lots of prayer and believing for healing.

I'm back in grad school two nights a week taking Creative teaching of Language Arts and Multiple disciplinary social foundations ... I know you are probably thinking what I'm thinking YUCK YUCK YUCK. LOL I actually enjoyed the reading class, foundations on the other hand is real "out there" and I am a very blunt to the point, bullet point kind of a person -- the professor wants you think in philosophical terms about education -- and that is just NOT me. But, in order to get that A I better suck it up and like it LOL.

I'm thankful the kids are going back to school. They are getting on each other's nerves. They just need to get back on track of a regular schedule. I'm still praying for a full time special education position and I just know, deep in my heart that God is going to provide it at just the right time.

The church is going beautifully. We had a marvelous kids worship service last week. I have lots of video to post, but just haven't gotten it uploaded yet. You can't believe how awesome those kids were. It's so nice be with a body of believers who are just free to worship the Lord and move out in His annointing and peace. Awesome.

So that's about it for now!

