The Warrior and The House Monday, June 1, 2009

The tired weary Warrior rises up to enter the house.
Burdened with life's care, pressured on every side,
the Warrior made a choice to come and lift it up in this very house.

The house was strangely quiet almost teaming with despair.
It's members sadly sitting, also burdened with life's care.
The warrior glanced around and said yes this is the place,
I know there once was freedom, but now it's been displaced.

Garments of praise put up on a shelf,
as the spirit of heaviness covered house.
Oh what joy used to reign and free worship used to flow.
Now it's bottled up and shifted sideways so pride could proudly grow.

Though tired and weary the Warrior began worshiping joining in with a shout!
Mercy, oh God, mercy, come and take these burdens out.

Deadly silent and covered with soot
the house remained soiled with destruction and despair,
no mention of why or how it happened,
it's as if no one even noticed the deep layer of soot,
that upon them was put.

Shrouded with death and burdened with oppression, manipulation and sin,
the house has lost it's direction not knowing now even where to begin.
Lift it up, praise His name, press in, the Warrior did shout.
But still remained the house, not even a peep tumbled out.

As the Warrior pressed on the Presence it did come.
The house began to rattle beating like a drum.
The Warrior continued on to Glorify His Name,
knowing full well the Anointing was the only thing
that could come and make the change.

Rattle and tumble, shaking over and about,
the house began its torturous journey to kick the sin out.
As the Presence came and deepened, the soot began to fall,
a deep cleansing was coming, renewing them all.

The house cried for forgiveness, blessing, and fresh wine from the Throne.
The Spirit of God began moving and sweeping it clean,
removing the damage, burden and sin
that once overwhelmed the house, a new time now to begin.

And just as the Spirit began to break the yoke of death, destruction and despair,
the house took two step's back choosing to honor life's care.

The Warrior was beside himself -- honor life's care?
The Spirit of God is moving here removing the despair!
The house shifted sideways seeming to not even care.

Grieve! Grieving! Grieved! The Warrior did shout,
how dare you stifle the Spirit, just to get your agenda out.
Oh what you've done to the Heart of God,
you've trampled it, suspended it in your need to move on.

The house proudly shook itself as the soot settled right back in.
This is how it goes here, how dare you call it sin.
And there it was the pride, that reigned from within.

The Warrior could feel the beat, the thump of the Father's heart.
My house, my house, do you not want me to come and get the soot out?

The house did not reply. There was no need.
It simply closed it's eyes and ears and followed sin's lead.

I was here. Right in your midst.
Tangible and ready to help you begin again.
But your pride and your way was more important than Mine.
There was pain when I sent my Son to die for you and I felt it deep within.
And here you sit grieving my Spirit causing the pain once again.

How dare we grieve the Spirit of Almighty God?
Forgive us, forgive us the Warrior did cry.
Lord Jesus forgive us for disrupting Your move.
JESUS! JESUS! The warrior cried in travail.
But it was all to no avail.
The Spirit had removed Himself,
as the house once again wrapped itself up
with the shroud of sin and death's veil.

Nothing happened, for you see the house was now quite dead.
Locked up with sins chains with it's pride bolted tight,
the house rolled over, not a tear did it shed.
For today was the day you told the Spirit of God
you are choosing to be dead.

written by K 5/31 - 6/1/09