Another Sunday Morning.... Sunday, May 24, 2009

Good morning!

Okay well, good sleepy morning that is. After a long 4 hour dance recital on Thursday, we had our first dance show last night. Today we are off to an afternoon of the running the same show for the second recital. I must say the girls were awesome and did a great job.

I spent the night running my butt off to be quite frank. I had 3 girls dancing. All of whom needed help with outfits, hairdo and outfit changes -- five costumes, five different hairdo's. Which would not have been too bad if we are all in the same area. But at last minute they decided to move the 4 through 8th graders into the gym locker rooms. Which left 2 of my kids in the cafeteria, one across the way in the gym and me running back and forth between changes and hairdos.

I'm going to have to figure something out for this afternoon. I think Katie felt a little discombobulated cause I wasn't close enough. Which is normal I think for a 10 year old. She even tried to come find me and someone told her to go back to the gym. She was nervous. And she's a kid that listens really well -- so she went back and just waited for me. I tried to tell her to stick up for herself, use polite words and say, "I need my mom and I'll be right back." Or "please get my mom for me I'll wait right here." I understand that they didn't want the audience seeing costumes, however, if my kid wants me, someone had better let her, or come get me ASAP.

And of course there were a couple of issues with the girls in the locker room not being supervised and etc. Which left Katie feeling like the odd man out because she was just sitting there alone while the others ran around. I know she's 10, but I think her emotions are more like 13. So I'm going to have to keep a close eye on her today.

I start school this week. "Characteristics and Remedial Strategies for the Impaired Learner." I'm really looking forward to it. I think it'll be very interesting. My advisor is the teacher and I like her very much so I hoping to get a lot out of the class. I'm also looking for airconditioning LOLLLLLL! Back when I as an undergrad some of the buildings were not air conditioned -- that was in the olden days of course.

This week I had a couple of bumps in the road at work and in some spiritual things that I'm trying to pray through. They are not recessarily bad things -- just a few disconcerting issues that I have to make a matter of prayer. God is good and faithful.

I read a terrific quote from Kenneth Copeland and I'm going to share it. It's below. Remember the joy of the Lord is your strength. (Neh 8:10). Which is a totally awesome scripture to have in front of me today, because in the book of Nehemiah that scripture revolves around the feast of Shavuot -- and wouldn't you know it this week begins the Jewish feast of Shavuot. God is good. He's unchangeable. He's right on time with what we need, when we need it. God is telling me in all the hassles, junk and issues I'm forging through -- remember the joy! Remember to be joyful! Remember its my strength!



Joy gives you a kind of staying power that will make you a winner again and again.

So make a commitment to God that you're going to walk,

not only in faith and in love but in joy as well.