I love cream of wheat! Sunday, April 19, 2009


I love cream of wheat! Why, you ask? 'Cause it's homey, comforting and reminds me of simple peaceful things. It has nothing really to do with the cereal -- it has everything to do with the emotion surrounding it.

It's been a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnngggg week. God is good and faithful. I'm glad He's an able God because I have "zero" left to give. And that's okay -- today I'll rest and rejuvenate -- tomorrow back to work.

Last week was Easter of course, busy busy. Thursday went on the first grade field trip to the circus. It was okay. Loved the acrobats, motorcycles and etc. I was not to happy with 2 of the animal acts. It wasn't that they were cruel or anything -- it was more like the poor things were tired and didn't want to be bothered. One little pig (okay, so she was about 200 pounds), just looked like she needed to be left the heck alone -- but she did her little thing and got her treat. I am none too happy with that. Would I ever take a class to that trip again? No. Did the kids love it? Yes. Was it worth it? I don't think so.

Friday -- yes the very next day -- went on the fourth grade field trip. This one was the an all day trip. The kids went to Med evil times in New Jersey then the Liberty Science Center. Left 7:15 a.m. -- home 9:30 p.m. I must say I loved this trip. I thought med evil times would freak me out, but I really enjoyed it. I thought they used a lot of historically information and really made it informative. Then we hit the science center. LOVED IT! We took the time to look at the brochure and decide where the kids I were chaperoning wanted to go -- which totally worked. We started backwards from the top floor and worked our way down.

We couldn't find the elevator, so we took the stairs. (How can you not find an elevator?) Of course after 3 flights of stairs the kids were saying "oh why did we take these stairs" and blah blah blah. We hit the last flight of stairs. Ascending up and right there in front of us -- the Statue of Liberty. The kids were beyond excited. It coudn't have been better. Just like God saying....yeah you have to work a little harder, but hey there's a reward at the end. But I'm veering of course here LOL.......

Once they got their pictures, I turned them to the left and right there, Wall Street, lower Manhattan and the gap where the twin towers were. I have to say, this really was awesome for them. Then I got to thinking -- how is it that we live just 2 hours away and our children have never been here?

What a marvelous long day that was. By the time I home and in bed -- it was late. And on to Saturday morning. Got up to finish making baby shower favors for a friend of mine. Then we were off to do dance pictures. Five sets of pictures, five costume changes, five hairdo's. All before 12:10! We started at 9:40 and it never stopped for over 2 hours. Exhausting. So mind you I've been to 2 field trips, then a thousand pictures and now, since the pictures were running 40 minutes late -- I'm running late and then..........I'm off to a baby shower for a very good friend of mine from 1-3.

Got to the baby shower. Which really was lovely. I felt like I could finally take a breath. I love my friend. After 2 kids and 10 years of trying for another, she's been blessed with this miracle. She is having a boy and I am overjoyed at this miracle. Anyway...it was over at 3, but I stayed until after 4 to help clean up. Then..........was 1/2 hour late to take Karrie to a sleep over. I must say in all this craziness and busyness, my hubby was amazing. He had the whole house cleaned and everything.

Soooooooooooooooo having said all of that, by 5 o'clock yesterday, I had zero left. Nothing. Tank running on empty. I called my mom (our worship leader) and told her I just couldn't go to church the next day and play keyboard. Time to reel it in and go okay God fill me back up! Time to REST and restore in HIS peace. Time to refocus on the family. Time to say okay God here I am, I just can't run out the door again, more clothes, more changes, more hairdo's, more rushing -- nope can't do it.

I think God respects honesty -- and in all honesty -- I've been beyond blessed this morning just worshipping and reading my bible in peace here at home. It's okay to say "no" to things, it's okay to choose to not feel guilt because I had to say "nope couldn't go." So now, I'm going just throw on some sweats and pick up my daughter from her sleepover, ask hubby to make pasta sauce and relax and rejoice in the Lord.



Yummmmmmmmmm......the smell of pasta sauce cooking.....


Anonymous said...

As women, we often feel that we owe it to everyone else to always say yes. To always take care of others' needs. But, if we don't ever learn to say no and decide to spend at least a minimum amount of time taking care of ourselves, we eventually run out of resources. It really IS okay to say no. It really IS okay to pamper ourselves. Not only that, it's necessary. How can we be any good for anyone else if we've exhausted our reserves and depleted our energy?